[Translate to English:] Ein roter Panda sitzt auf einem Ast zwischen Bambus-Blättern.


Zoos are not just recreational facilities, they also play an important role in species conservation and education. As a non-profit institution, we rely on your support to help us continue our vital work. Running a world-class zoo involves more than just feeding and caring for the animals. We also need to invest in the modernisation, conversion and new construction of enclosures, which is very costly.

Ensuring the welfare of our animals is our top priority. This includes providing species-appropriate husbandry and enclosures that meet the latest veterinary requirements. In addition, Hellabrunn Zoo envisions itself as an education and conservation centre. We have been involved in conservation and environmental protection programmes for many years. These costs cannot be covered with the entrance fees alone.

Ein Listäffchen sitzt auf einem Ast.

Every donation helps Hellabrunn fulfil its many tasks.

Ein Erdmännchen hält für die Gruppe auf einem Stein Wache. Im Hintergrund sieht man die Giraffen auf ihrer Außenanlage.
Adopt an animal

Become a sponsor of your favourite animal.

Ein Löwe.

Become a sponsor and benefit from Hellabrunn's positive image with your company.

Ein Eisbär springt aus dem Wasser.
Sponsor circle for private individuals

Support the construction and maintenance of the animal enclosures with an annual donation.

Eine Aldabra-Riesenschildkröte taucht aus dem Wasser auf.
Hellabrunn Zoo – Endowment fund

The Hellabrunn Zoo Endowment Fund ensures that the donations you pay in are permanently preserved. The fund ensures a steady, annual income for the zoo, which benefits the animals.

Ein Elefantenbulle vor dem Elefantenhaus steht halb im Wasser.
Leave a legacy gift

You can make a difference after your death by leaving a gift in your will to support Hellabrunn Zoo in preserving biological diversity.

A polar bear jumps out of the water.
Corporate sponsor circle

As a company, support building projects for the benefit of animals with an annual donation.

Ein roter Panda auf einem Ast, umgeben von Bambuszweigen.
Red panda at Hellabrunn Zoo.

Set an example for species protection!

Help species conservation and nature. Get excited about animals and nature and join us in protecting the diversity of the animal world. Zoological gardens provide invaluable help in this regard. With various breeding programmes and educational work, they make an important contribution to the preservation of flora and fauna in threatened biotopes worldwide.

More about Hellabrunn's species conservation work