[Translate to English:] Zwei Rotschulterrüsselhündchen zwischen Blättern.

Admission fees

Admission and annual ticket prices

Off on an adventure! Discover the impressive diversity of several hundred animal species from all five continents in the Munich Zoo. Find out about our admission prices.

Day tickets

Adult Adults EUR 20.00
Child Children (4-14 years) EUR 8.00
Small family Small family

Includes 1 adult and his/her own children resp. children living at the same postal address (ages 4–14) or 1 grandparent and his / her own grandchildren (ages 4–14)

EUR 25.00
Large family Large family

Includes both parents (also same-sex) and their own children resp. children living at the same postal address (ages 4 – 14) or both grandparents and their own grandchildren (ages 4 – 14)

EUR 45.00

Concession tickets

Pupils and students

With student identification Card (not in digital form)

EUR 15.00
Senior citizens

over 65 years or with a pensioner’s card

EUR 15.00
Severely disabled adults up to 90 % disability

With disability card

EUR 15.00
Severely disabled adults more than 90 % disability

With disability card

Free admission
Severely disabled children (with disability card)

If more than 90 % disability, then companion also free of charge

Free admission

Annual tickets (Valid for 365 days)

Annual tickets for children (4 – 14 years)* EUR 34.00
Annual tickets for adults* EUR 69.00
Annual tickets for small families*

Includes 1 adult and his/her own children resp. children living at the same postal address (ages 4–14) or 1 grandparent and his / her own grandchildren (ages 4–14)

EUR 69.00
Annual tickets for large families*

Includes both parents (also same-sex) and their own children resp. children living at the samepostal address (ages 4 – 14) or both grandparents and their own grandchildren (ages 4 – 14)

EUR 138.00
Annual tickets for senior citizens*

over 65 years or with a pensioner`s card

EUR 56.00
Annual tickets for students and pupils*

Valid only for pupils up to 19 years of age; not valid for pupils in vocational training

EUR 56.00

Annual tickets are not transferable and may only be used by the person named on it. Annual tickets are valid for 1 year from the date of issue and must be presented along with a valid photo ID.

Group Tickets (price per person)

Groups – children (20 people and more)

Bus driver and tour guide free of charge

EUR 8.00
Groups – adults (20 people and more)

Bus driver and tour guide free of charge

EUR 15.00
Kindergarten groups* – children (1 supervisor free of charge per every 5 children)

Not valid for day care groups or youth groups belonging to other institutions

EUR 8.00
School classes* – pupils (1 supervisor free of charge per every 10 pupils, pupils up to 19 years of age)

Valid only for pupils up to 19 years of age; not valid for pupils in vocational training

EUR 8.00