Ein europäischer Uhu im Flug mit ausgebreitetenen Flügeln.

Keeper meeting points and trainings

In general:

For operational reasons or due to staff shortages, individual animal keeper meeting points or commented feedings may be cancelled at short notice. The signage on site at the respective enclosure will inform you of this. We ask for your understanding.

Animal demonstrations at Hellabrunn Zoo offer an exciting combination of wildlife education and up-close experiences. During the daily shows, the animals demonstrate their amazing special abilities, while the keepers tell fascinating facts about their charges. In addition to demonstrations and feedings, the zoo also hosts a polar bear talk for animal lovers big and small.

Demonstrations and more

Meet the locals

11:00 am

There are many native animal species to discover in the Mühlendorf. Our zookeepers host daily talks in the zoo village where they will introduce you to their charges and tell fascinating facts about the animals and their special adaptations. You will also learn why many of the species here are now endangered, such as the Murnau-Werdenfels cattle.

  • Maypole in  Mühlendorf - the sign there provides information about the meeting point
  • Daily, all year round

Sea lion demonstration

Daily: A sign at the enclosure informs about the time of day

Discover fascinating facts about the South American sea lion during a commentated feeding session in the Polar World. Here you will not only learn about our sea lion group at the zoo, but also about their fellow species in the wild in Tierra del Fuego and Patagonia.

  • Polar world - sea lion enclosure
  • Daily, all year round
Ein Tierpfleger füttert beim Seelöwen-Training die Mähnenrobben.

Keeper talks

Red River Hog Talk

10:15 am

Drop by our Red River Hog Talk and discover exciting stories about this wild African pig and the special training and feeding methods for the species. Find out more about our red river hog residents and what they get up to every day at Hellabrunn Zoo.

  • Red river hogs
  • Daily, winter break from 01 November to 31 March

Lion Talk

11:00 am

Lions are considered to be the “king of the beasts”. They are the second largest big cat in the world, after the tiger. At our daily Lion Talk, you can find out how our lions Max and Benny are settling in at the new Lion enclosure and discover fascinating facts about this animal species.

  • Lions
  • Daily, all year round
Löwe Max und Benny dösen nebeneinander auf einem Felsplateau.

Tiger Talk

12:00 pm

Discover fascinating facts about Siberian tigers and the special training and feeding methods for the species at our daily Tiger Talk. Here you can find out more about the popular Asian big cats and how they spend their day at Hellabrunn Zoo.

  • Tigers
  • Daily, all year round

Zebra Talk

12:15 pm

Our zebras live together with eland antelopes, greater kudus and ostriches in the large Africa zone at the zoo. During the talk, you'll hear many fascinating stories about the coexistence of the striped hoofed animals and their enclosure mates.

  • Africa zone
  • Daily, all year round

Elephant Talk

2:15 pm

During this talk about the Asian elephants living at Hellabrunn, you will learn fascinating facts about the heaviest residents at the zoo and their daily routine.

  • Elephant outdoor enclosure, indoors in the event of rain, snow or storm
  • Daily, all year round

Due to the construction site of the Jungle World and the associated construction noise, the zookeeper meeting point at the elephants may be cancelled at short notice.

Ein Tierpfleger spricht vor den Besuchern vor der Anlage der Elefanten.

Polar Bear Talk

3:30 pm

Polar bears are the largest living land predators and one of the most popular animal species at Hellabrunn Zoo. During the Polar Bear Talk, the keepers will provide fascinating information about polar bears in general and the polar bears living at Hellabrunn Zoo.

  • Polar World - polar bear enclosure
  • Daily, all year round
Ein Pelikan frisst einen Fisch.

Commented feeding


10:30 am: Crocodils

  • Urwaldhaus
  • Thursdays, winter break from November to April

10:30 am and 2:00 pm: Pelicans

  • Pelicans
  • Daily, all year round

10:45 am: King penguins

  • King penguins
  • Daily, all year round

11:45 am: Chimpanzees or gorillas

  • Jungle Pavilion
  • Daily, all year round

3:00 am: Aquarium (without commentary)

  • Aquarium
  • Wednesdays and Sundays

Unfortunately, some performances cannot take place in the event of rain, storm or snow. Subject to change without notice.