
[Translate to English:] Zebra im Schnee im Tierpark Hellabrunn

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Off on an adventure!

Discover the impressive diversity of more than 500 animal species from all five continents at Munich Zoo. At Hellabrunn, there are only a few meters between the African savannah and the cold ice desert of the polar world. Learn why nature conservation and species protection are important, how we can protect the habitats of our animals and experience the diversity of life 365 days a year.

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Hellabrunn - The Munich Zoo prepares for the future and is getting even more beautiful! However, this is not possiblle without occasional construction sites and subsequent restrictions. We are keen to inform you about current refurbishing activities on the monitors at our entrances. You can also check the appropriate subpage (German only).

further information
Das Porträt von einem Löwen.
The new lion enclosure

Eine Luftbildaufnahme von Hellabrunn.
First geozoo in the world

Since 1928, the animals at Hellabrunn have lived according to continents

zoo map (PDF)

Ein Lisztäffchen auf einem Baumstamm.
Your donation goes down well with us

Eine Gruppe von Humboldtpinguinen steht auf einem Stein.
Together for the protection of species

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