The Americas comprises two continents - North and South America - extending from the northern to the southern polar region and lies within almost all of the world’s ecological zones. The varied environments from evergreen rainforests to barren mountain ranges, to vast steppes and semi-deserts, support life for an incredible diversity of species in this region of our planet.
- Alpaca
Vicugna pacos
- Azara's agouti
Dasyprocta azarae
- Brazilian guinea pig
Cavia aperea
- Capybara
Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris
- Colombian spider monkey
Ateles fusciceps rufiventris
- Cotton-top tamarin
Saguinus oedipus
- Darwin's Rhea
Rhea pennata
- Giant anteater
Myrmecophaga tridactyla
- Hooded Merganser
Lophodytes cucullatus
- Humboldt Penguin
Spheniscus humboldti
- Linnaeus' two-toed Sloth
Choloepus didactylus
- Llama
Lama glama
- Maned Wolf
Chrysocyon brachyurus
- North american raccoon
Procyon lotor
- Patagonian Mara
Dolichotis patagonum
- Ruddy Duck
Oxyura jamaicensis
- Scarlet Ibis
Eudocimus ruber
- Souther Three-Banded Armadillo
Tolypeutes matacus
- Taylor's cantil
Agkistrodon taylori
- Uracoan rattlesnake
Crotalus vegrandis
- Vicuña
Vicugna vicugna
- White-Cheeked Pintail
Anas bahamensis
- Wood Bison
Bison bison athabascae
- Wood Duck
Aix sponsa
- Yellow and Breast Macaw
Ara ararauna