Temminck's tragopan
Tragopan temminckii

- FamilyPheasants (Phasianidae)
- Weight980 – 1.500 g
- HabitatMoist mountain forests up to 3.000 m altitude
Bird migration uphill
Like many birds, Temminck’s tragopans migrate according to the season. However, they do not fly to other countries, but instead simply move to a different altitude. They spend the winter in lower mountain forests. In summer, they fly to higher mountain regions for the breeding season, where they can find good tree nesting sites and sufficient food for their offspring.

Colourful camouflage expert
Despite the male’s bright colours, Temminck’s tragopans are difficult to spot in their natural habitat. The loners prefer to live in forests with dense undergrowth where they forage during the day. At night, Temminck’s tragopans roost in trees, which is rather untypical for pheasant birds. They are very shy birds that retreat at the slightest noise.
The chicks can fly within a few days after hedging, which is very early for fledglings.