Siberian Tiger
Panthera tigris altaica

- FamilyCats (Felidae)
- Weightup to 300 kg
- HabitatMountain forests and taiga
Hissing defence mechanism
Tigers open their mouth and hiss to warn attackers to stay away. This is usually done to avoid confrontation.

All ears
A tiger’s ears are specially adapted to allow it to rotate them towards the source of the sound without moving its head. Its exceptional sense of hearing can distinguish and locate sounds far better than humans, enabling it to hone in on its preferred prey.
Endangered cat species
Only about 500 Siberian tigers remain in the wild. The primary threat to the world’s largest living cat is poaching for their fur. Poachers also kill tigers to supply the demand for parts such as claws and bones, which are used in traditional Chinese medicine for their supposed healing powers.
The Siberian tiger proves that not all cats hate water. It is a strong swimmer and likes to bathe in lakes, rivers and ponds in summer.

Hellabrunn Zoo participates in the European Endangered Species Programmes