Red-Billed Blue Magpie
Urocissa erythroryncha

- FamilyCorvids (Corvidae)
- Weight200 – 235 g
- HabitatEvergreen forests in mountainous regions
Sharing the workload
The female lays a clutch of three to five eggs. While she incubates the eggs over a period of about 18 days, the male will bring her food to the nest. In addition to fruits, seeds and nectar, he will also offer her worms, snakes and lizards. At the age of four weeks, the hatchlings will leave the nest, before they are fully fledged.

Vocal mimicry
The red-billed blue magpie is a member of the crow family, a group considered to be among the most intelligent of all birds. It excels at imitating the sounds of other birds. It has various calls, but the most common are a grating rattle or high-pitched, flute-like whistle. Always looking for new ways to have fun, the red-billed blue magpie often explores novel uses for sticks or small stones.
The red-billed blue magpie has the longest tail in the crow family, measuring ca. 45 cm.