Following the Bavarian cabinet's decision to refrain from declaring the Free State a hotspot, the majority of Covid-19 measures currently in place will end this Saturday. Almost all pandemic-related restrictions will be lifted on Sunday, 3 April. For zoo visitors, this means that the previous proof of vaccination or recovery requirement for entering the zoo will be scrapped.


Verena Dietl, chair of the supervisory board and Munich Mayor, advocates a responsible approach to the lifting of restrictions, but is pleased with the decision: "It is extremely gratifying that the zoo, a centre for education and nature conservation, is once again able to pursue its important educational mission to the full and offer its visitors wonderful animal encounters and local recreation as usual.”


Zoo Director Rasem Baban is relieved that the restrictions have ended: "After all the pandemic-related restrictions over the last two years, which were constantly changing, and even led to temporary closures of the zoo, Hellabrunn can finally breathe again. The good news has arrived just in time for the beginning of the high season and we are happy to be able to welcome all guests to the zoo again without major restrictions. From April, the popular suspension bridge over the Auer Mühlbach river will be open again, and the zookeepers will recommence providing commentary in the outdoor areas of the animal houses.”


Due to the current infection rates, Hellabrunn Zoo asks all its visitors to continue to observe the basic rules of social distancing and hygiene. The obligation to wear masks will no longer apply outdoors, but will remain mandatory in the service centers to protect visitors and staff and will continue to be requested in closed indoor areas such as toilet and baby changing facilities and animal houses.