![[Translate to English:] Der Bauerngarten im Mühlendorf im Sommer.](/fileadmin/_processed_/4/7/csm_tierpark-hellabrunn-bauerngarten-muehlendorf_1299452fd3.jpg)
Everyone can make a big difference. Hellabrunn Zoo, in cooperation with the Association of Zoological Gardens, is calling on people to take action in their everyday life to protect nature.Known as “Tag für die Erde“ in Germany, Earth Day is celebrated every year on 22 April across the nation in educational institutions, schools, universities, companies, associations and other organisations. The idea behind the observance of this day is to spread awareness that every action, no matter how small, is important for nature conservation and for reducing our environmental footprint. Whether it be having bee-friendly plants in our garden or on our balcony, buying regional and seasonal products or opting for environmentally friendly modes of transport - even small actions can make a big difference.
Wildlife conservation in German zoos
Zoos play an important role in raising awareness about environmental and conservation issues. The modern zoos of the Association of Zoological Gardens e.V. (VdZ) actively support the conservation of endangered species and their habitats. VdZ member zoos attract more than 40 million visitors every year. Their primary objectives include education: curriculum-based and informal learning through emotional wildlife experiences are an important part of the overall concept. At Hellabrunn Zoo, for example, the Mühlendorf village was recognised as an official project of the United Nations Decade on Biological Diversity. This honour is awarded by the United Nations to projects that are committed to preserving biological diversity in an exemplary manner.
“Our zoo is set in the renatured Isar Meadows, in the heart of a beautiful conservation area. The meadows are part of the Upper Isar Valley European Fauna Flora Habitat (FFH), which is designated a protected area to conserve the region‘s wild fauna and flora and their habitats," says zoo director Rasem Baban, describing the unique location of the zoo and the need for raising awareness about conservation. "For us as a zoo, this means that we have a duty to look after the wide diversity of local fauna and flora that live on our grounds. This also includes caring for our resident animals in enclosures that replicate nature as close as possible and feature various elements that benefit both the residents as well as the free-living animal species, and raising awareness among our visitors about the urgency of nature conservation and biodiversity.”
Extracurricular educational sites in green areas
The Association of Zoological Gardens member zoos are among the most visited extracurricular educational sites in green areas. Various studies show that zoo visits have a positive impact on raising awareness about biodiversity and that this impact remains in the long term. Nature conservation should therefore be seen as a task for society as a whole, whereby everyone can play a role through small actions. These actions need to be actively implemented in everyday life in order to help prevent habitats, animal species or entire previously intact ecosystems from disappearing.
For more information on how visitors can help protect the environment through small actions in their everyday life please visit the Hellabrunn Zoo website: https://www.hellabrunn.de/artenschutz/was-kannst-du-tun/artenschutz-im-alltag.