Hellabrunn Zoo has a lot to offer in 2025: new species, new enclosures for long-standing residents, events and the reopening of the Jungle World.
As one of the last new arrivals in 2024, the chimpanzee Jambo continues to settle nicely into his new home at Hellabrunn Zoo. The ten-year-old male is currently exploring the indoor facilities of the Jungle Pavilion, but has not yet had direct contact with the other chimpanzees. However, the primates are already communicating loudly with each other, and a bond with the females Zenta and Sophia is slowly being forged.
“Ensuring Jambo feels at home in his new environment is a very time-consuming process – but patience and flexibility are essential, especially when working with great apes. Every step must be carefully coordinated in order to provide the best possible support for both Jambo and the existing group," said Hanspeter Steinmetz, curator for great apes. "So far, we are extremely satisfied with Jambo's progress. He is a lively, curious and friendly chimpanzee who is adapting well to his new environment. We are confident that he will continue to integrate positively into the group."
Architectural improvements planned for 2025 include the refurbishment of the zebra stable roof, which follows the renovation of some outdoor enclosures in 2024, such as those of the nilgai and takins. The zebras will still be on view during the construction period, but like the Javan bantengs, whose stable roof also needs renovation, will temporarily move to another enclosure at the zoo.
"A zoo is constantly developing and therefore an ongoing construction project - because our goal is to offer our animals the best possible conditions and at the same time provide our keepers with modern working conditions. Continuous improvements and adopting innovations in the animal houses are essential for this," said zoo director Rasem Baban. "Fortunately, one construction project will be completed in time for spring: visitors can look forward to walking across the renovated bridge over the Auer Mühlbach again." Refurbishment work on the Rhino House roof has also been completed. In addition to the sloths, the habitat is also now home to the anteaters.
Regular zoo visitors will certainly have noticed major constriction work in the Asia geo-zone of the zoo: the Jungle World. "Unfortunately, we had some construction delays here last year. This is something we try to avoid. But since we're building houses for animals, we prefer to take more time so that everything is perfect in the end," added Baban. "Construction work on the Jungle World will be completed in late 2025. This will be immediately followed by a settling in phase for the new animal species."
"Hellabrunn is a lively and multifaceted place in Munich, whether for visitors or as a municipal subsidiary. I am always impressed by the diversity of the zoo - be it in terms of the animal population, conservation programmes or the design of the facilities. Hellabrunn is at the forefront of progress, a place of education, natural recreation and close-up encounters with animals. The combination of innovative projects, sustainable development and commitment to endangered species makes Hellabrunn a special flagship for Munich. I am already looking forward to the completion of the new Jungle World, which will make the zoo even more attractive, as well as to the many other improvements and changes that await us in 2025," said Verena Dietl, mayor and chair of the supervisory board.
The new Jungle World will take visitors on a journey to the Indonesian rainforest - with a fascinating array of plant and animal species as well as interactive educational displays. The Cikananga conservation project, which the zoo supports in-situ in the Indonesian rainforest, will also play a key role in the Jungle World. "We want to show how interdependence in nature works and how important biodiversity is. If an animal or plant species is suffering or threatened with extinction, this has an impact on the entire ecosystem," said conservation curator Eric Diener. "We not only want to teach visitors the importance of in-situ and ex-situ conservation, but also show the crucial role that science-led zoos like Hellabrunn play in protecting endangered species and their habitats. Our job is to raise awareness, educate and inspire people to get involved in nature conservation.”
There will also be some new species arriving in 2025: serrated tortoises and speckled tortoises, which are about 7-10 cm long, have already moved into the Venomous Snake Room, and the Orangutan Hall will soon house four new terrariums, including one with Rio Pescado stubfoot toads. Changes are also coming to the Mouse House: thanks to funding provided by the Hellabrunner Förderkreis support circle, the house will be redesigned to accommodate three new mouse species, including the rare and endangered Bavarian pine vole.
The zoo also has a lot of exciting events lined up for 2025: The popular Easter Rally will take place again at Easter, and a summer quiz rally in June. A day of action for species conservation is planned for July. After the summer holidays, Children's Day will be celebrated at Hellabrunn, and in the autumn there will be special Halloween and lantern tours. Finally, Santa Claus will be a guest at the zoo in December.
You can find all the details about Hellabrunn Zoo’s event calendar and construction projects on the zoo’s website at www.hellabrunn.de/bauprojekte and www.hellabrunn.de/veranstaltungen.