News from Hellabrunn

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The latest news

[Translate to English:] Stachelschwein Baumhoehle Birgit Mohr

Hellabrunn Zoo announces birth of Indian crested porcupine: First in 30 years!

Hooray, it's a boy! Hellabrunn Zoo welcomed the birth of its first Indian crested porcupine baby in more than 30 years.

Hellabrunn Zoo announces birth of Indian crested porcupine: First in 30 years!
Red Panda Hellabrunn Zoo

1+1=4: Red panda twins born at Hellabrunn Zoo

Congratulations to the new parents at Hellabrunn Zoo! In July, mum Miu and dad Justin welcomed twins into the world. Observant visitors have been able …

1+1=4: Red panda twins born at Hellabrunn Zoo
Breeding Alpine Newt Hellabrunn Zoo

Breeding success for alpine newts at Hellabrunn Zoo

What’s that swimming there? Baby alpine newts! Since their birth in August, visitors to Hellabrunn Zoo have been able to observe the alpine newt …

Breeding success for alpine newts at Hellabrunn Zoo
Stork single Birgit Mohr

Bill-clattering newcomers: Hellabrunn Zoo welcomes three white storks

Hellabrunn Zoo’s newest residents arrived from a sanctuary in Lower Saxony in late August. The three birds, one female and two males, cannot be …

Bill-clattering newcomers: Hellabrunn Zoo welcomes three white storks
Dietl Baban Visitor's Bay outside

Hellabrunn Zoo welcomes new group of wolves in revamped enclosure

After a period of closure for extensive renovation work, the wolf enclosure has finally reopened to the public. The revamped habitat is home to three …

Hellabrunn Zoo welcomes new group of wolves in revamped enclosure
meerkat outdoor compound Hellabrunn

Autumn impressions at Hellabrunn Zoo

The days are getting shorter, the mornings are getting cooler, and our internal clocks are starting to tick a little slower. This shift in the …

Autumn impressions at Hellabrunn Zoo
radiated tortoise Gemma Borrell Hellabrunn

Hellabrunn Zoo participates in research study: Why do turtles age more slowly?

Although people today live longer than their historical ancestors, we cannot escape the inevitability of aging. Turtles could provide the key to buck …

Hellabrunn Zoo participates in research study: Why do turtles age more slowly?
lions Max and Benny Hellabrunn Zoo Marc Mueller

Lions Max and Benny's first weeks in new home

Since moving into their new home, the two lion brothers Max and Benny have found there is much to enjoy in their spacious habitat equipped with a …

Lions Max and Benny's first weeks in new home
cherry-throated tanagers picture

Hellabrunn Zoo supports species conservation project for cherry-throated tanagers in Brazil

Hellabrunn Zoo is once again actively involved in the conservation of an endangered species far beyond the borders of the animal park in Munich. In …

Hellabrunn Zoo supports species conservation project for cherry-throated tanagers in Brazil
aerial photography Hellabrunn

Hellabrunn Zoo presents Annual Report 2021 at Annual General Meeting

The year 2021 was also marked by the coronavirus pandemic worldwide, which Hellabrunn Zoo could not escape. The imposed periods of closure, …

Hellabrunn Zoo presents Annual Report 2021 at Annual General Meeting